Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The laser light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube-shaped sacs within the hair follicles that produce damage inhibits or delays future hair growth.
Laser hair removal is a procedure to remove unwanted body hair. People may want the treatment on their underarms, back or bikini area. It’s not permanent, but the results last longer than shaving or waxing.
Most people need about six treatments. The best candidates are those with the darker hair color, black, dark brown are good targets of hair colors for this treatment.
What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a reduction procedure to reduce unwanted hair on areas of your body. It is virtually painless and noninvasive, it feels more like a rubberband snap on your skin. No numbing is necesssary. This treatment is safe for any skin type. Most people who receive this treatment are on these parts of their body:
Bikini area, or areas that grow pubic hair

Here’s a quick overview:
Benefits: Reduces hair density, for most people permanently
Safety: FDA-approved alternative to waxing and electrolysis
Target Areas: Anywhere on the body except over the eyes
Convenience: Quick, 15 - 60-minute treatment with minimal downtime
Contraindications:: Avoidance of blood thinning medications, sunburns
Laser hair removal - A safe alternative to waxing and electrolysis
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal uses a medical process called selective photothermolysis. Light generates heat and destroys cells within the chromosphore that has dark pigment (color). Since dark hair has a lot of pigment, it can possibly absorb the most heat. Hair transfers heat to the hair follicles and destroys them, so hair can’t grow. What is to be considered is that hair follicles never die, they simply 'sleep' and therefore can wake-up with chemicals like biotin, that turn the growth back on.
A hair follicle has to be in its anagen, or growth, stage for the procedure to work best. All hair follicles are in different stages at different times, so most people need multiple laser treatments, usually 1-6 will assist during this process.
Who can receive laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is safe for any skin type or color, and provides hair reduction for anyone with extra body hair. It is considered a cosmetic procedure, and may improve your physical appearance or self-image. Most people also prefer not having to shave as regularly, but still may need to shave occasionally, depending on each individuals personal needs.
Who shouldn’t have laser hair removal?
You may need to avoid the procedure if you:
Are pregnant.
Are taking certain medications, such as acne treatments.
Have genital herpes (HSV-2) or are prone to cold sores.
Have keloid scars (raised scars).
Have or have had skin cancer.
Laser hair removal may help treat excess hair growth caused by:
Hirsutism, dark or coarse hair grows in areas where men usually have hair.
Hypertrichosis, excess hair anywhere on their bodies.
These conditions might be the result of:
Certain medications, including anabolic steroids and birth control pills.
Hormone imbalances, especially increased testosterone or androgen levels.
Inherited disorders, conditions passed from parents to children through genes.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Tumors that produce hormones.
How should I prepare for treatment?
Because this treatment is non-invasive, there is little preparation required in advance of your treatment session. Scheduling around monthly cycles or times where the body can be less sensitive is also recommended.
We encourage clients to come in with little to no makeup, yet your face should be well moisturized as normal. If you’re worried about discomfort, let us know during your consultation.
How often or how many treatments will I need?
Almost all of our clients find that they only need 6 treatments per year to achieve their ideal aesthetic balance. However, each person and their diet should be considered as certain medications can trigger new hair growth. After, we recommend monthly or bi-monthly maintenance treatments to maintain their desired results and goals.
What does laser hair removal feel like? Does it hurt?
The treatment feels like a rubber band snapping on the skin.
What can I expect during the treatment?
Depending on the size and area or areas being treated, you can expect treated to be a little warm after. It is necessary to stay out of the sun for 3-5 days after and at least 7 days before to reduce any contraindications on the area treated.
Small areas take less than 15 minutes while, larger areas like legs or chest usually takes around half an hour. Treating the face and neck can take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. We work at a steady and relaxed pace to ensure a high quality of service and focused attention to detail.
When will I see results?
The best part of laser hair removal is in a best case scenario the hair will no longer grow back, or usually it will be thinner and less dense. It is laser hair reduction, over time hair will possibly return but with our guidance and recommendations, you should feel smoother and hairless within a couple months or sooner.
How much does laser hair removal cost?
The average cost for a treatment runs between $50 - 300 per session.
What will I look like after laser hair removal?
You may look at little pink or flush, but no swelling or redness is to be expected. In fact laser hair removal is one of the safest and easiest treatments available.
Is laser hair removal safe for all skin types?
Yes, as long as you are not taking blood thinning medications. This non-invasive procedure is an effective treatment for a hair reduction. Regular treatments, repeated every 1-2 months may help diminish hair growth and decrease density.

Post Treatment Instructions
- Do NOT apply ice, steroid cream, any topical prescription after the treatment
- You may take an extra strength Tylenol if need to. You may also apply Aloe Vera Gel or Arnica if you wish. But you will probably not need too. Laser hair removal energy is only targeting the hair, not the skin. That's why it is safe for any skin type.
- Yes, makeup and sun block can be applied the next day, as no injections or skin trauma occurred during the treatment process.
- Please avoid participating in hot water activities or attending any Cryotherapy session. Pretty much anything that feels too cold or too hot should be avoided for 3-5 days.
- Each person's results will vary, but on average, around 1 month after the treatment, you will notice a thinning of the hair. Full results will be evident between 3-6 months after treatment. Avoid Biotin hair growth vitamins as they can reawaken hair follicles.