We all have different body shapes. There are three basic human body types: the endomorph, the mesomorph, and the ectomorph.

We all have different body shapes. There are three basic human body types: the endomorph, the mesomorph, and the ectomorph. Through age and exercise routines you're not bound to one category or the other. Your diet, lifestyle, genetics, history, etc. all play a role in how you look, and you can definitely change it over time.
ECTOMORPH An ectomorph tends to be thin, and can struggle to gain weight as body fat or muscle. They can eat large quantities of food and look the same, while tending to have a leaner build, longer limbs, and small muscle bellies.
MESOMORPH The mesomorph tends to have wider shoulders, narrower waist, thinner joints, and rounded muscle bellies. Mesomorph have a natural tendency to be fit and relatively muscular.
ENDOMORPH The endomorph tends to gain weight and keep it on, with a build that is a little wider around the hips and possibly shorter limbs. They often struggle to gain musicle without significant amounts of accompanying body fat.