Spray Tan
Prep your skin!
1. Please exfoliate with a non-oil based, gritty scrub or exfoliant prior to your tan. You want to remove all dead skin so your tan looks as even as possible. Wash your face at the salon before your appointment, and wipe your body down with a cleansing towelette. Arrive with clean, fresh skin, free of moisturizers, deodorants, sunscreens, makeup, or oils.
2. Skin & Nail Care - It is better if you have nail polish on before your tan, even if it is just a clear coat. Your nails and toenails will be wiped down at the end of your spray tan, and it prevents your nails from staining. If you have acrylic nails or a gel manicure on before your spray tan appointment, the spray tan will NOT ruin your nails.
3. Limit the amount you shave after your spray tan, as shaving is a form of exfoliation. However, shaving after your initial shower is okay.
4. Facial or body waxing done prior to your spray tan.
5. Eyelash extensions should be applied before your spray tan appointment. They can be applied the same day, as long as it is before your spray tan! The gel eye pads or eye tape can remove your tan after it has been applied.
6. Threading and waxing of eyebrows and lips should be done prior to your tan. It is okay to have your eyebrows plucked the same day after your tan. Threading can be done after your initial shower.
7. Remove any sunscreen, lotion, or makeup at the time of your appointment - even if applied earlier that day. We have makeup and lotion wipes in the salon if you need to remove makeup prior to your appointment. Lip balms, Chapsticks, lipsticks & eye mascaras are okay to have applied before and after your tan.
FAQs and What to Expect
1. Do not put clothing that can be stained back on immediately after your session; especially sports bras.
2. You will feel a little sticky and the spray tan may have a slight odor to it – this is normal.
3. Bring an umbrella and water resistant clothing if it is raining the day of your appointment.
4. Try not to touch your skin. The solution may feel sticky in the drying phase before your first shower and this is normal.
5. If you are wearing your spray tan to bed, we recommend wearing long sleeves and long pants or covering your hands with socks while you sleep.
6. If you touch your skin and do not wash the insides of your hands, your palms may end up becoming stained; if you do accidentally touch your skin wash your hands. If needed, wash only the insides of your hands while the spray tan is developing. The most effective way to do this is with hand sanitizer or an antibacterial wipe.
Immediate After Care
1. It is recommended that you do not shower for 10-12 hours after. Showering before the 10-12 hour time frame may lighten up your color and impact the results of the spray tan.
2. No sweating, swimming, getting wet or exercising until your first shower after your spray tan. Doing so may cause streaks.
3. DO NOT wash your face before your first shower. This also goes for not washing any makeup off your face before you go to bed. Sleep with your makeup on!
4. Putting makeup on after your spray tan is okay, however you CANNOT wash your face until your initial shower.
5. There is a bronzer in the solution, which means that you will have some color immediately after you are sprayed. The color will continue to darken as the solution develops. Your color will lighten after you shower off the bronzer. You will see color coming off in your first shower. This is normal.
6. Shower before working out or sweating. Working out with the bronzer on may cause your tan to streak.
7. Go easy around water the day you get sprayed – use caution when you are near water to ensure you do not mess up your spray tan.
8. We do NOT RECOMMEND wearing vinyl/rubber gloves to do housework the day you are sprayed.
Long Term After Care
1. Spray tans typically last 4-8 days, however they can last longer or shorter than this. The more you moisturize, the longer the tan can last. Any hydrating, non-scented/fragrance-free + alcohol-free moisturizer is recommended!
2. DO NOT exfoliate with loufas, body scrubs, body washes or soaps with exfoliating beads until after your tan starts to fade away.
3. Face washes containing salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide are NOT RECOMMENDED because they can eat away at your spray tan. We recommend using gentle cleansers.
4. DO NOT use scented body washes - such as Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body Works. Non-scented/fragrance-free body washes and soaps are RECOMMENDED. Aveeno lotions are also NOT RECOMMENDED!
5. Pat dry after your shower. Vigorous rubbing will exfoliate your skin and streak your.
6. Limit the shaving of your legs, as this is also a form of exfoliating. You can still shave your legs, however we do not recommend doing it daily, or using hair removal creams, such as Nair.
7. Avoid using Acne spot treatments during the week your spray tan is on.
8. Moisturizing helps extend the life of your tan and it helps your tan to fade more evenly. We recommend using a hydrating, non-scented/fragrance-free lotion!
9. It is recommended to moisturize at least once a day, however twice a day is encouraged.
10. Always wear sunscreen when out in the sun. - especially after prolonged exposure to the sun, being in the ocean or being in the pool. This will help extend the life of your spray tan.
12. Wait at least one day before going in the ocean or a pool after your tan. Chlorine may make your tan fade faster.

Core Essentials
- Hair Removal
- Acne, Scarring Resurfacing
- Collagen & Elastin
- Skin Pigmentation Lightening
- Microdermabrasion
- LED Photon Therapy